Four successful apprentices holding awarded trophies. Artic Logo and World Youth Skills Day 2024 title.

World Youth Skills Day

Today Artic is celebrating World Youth Skills Day and this year the theme is ‘Youth Skills for Peace and Development.” Launched by the United Nations in 2014, World Youth Skills day is an important marker for us continue raising awareness on the value of setting up the youth of our communities with vital skills to use for future employment and entrepreneurship.

This year’s theme is focused on equipping our global youth with the essential skills to foster a future generation of responsible global citizens that promote a culture of peace and sustainable development. We aim to uplift our local youth community with the confidence and practical skills to support them in their future careers. We have spearheaded youth development since our founding in 1998 and will continue to celebrate the achievements and skill enrichment of our youth today.

Fostering Potential:

We have always been proud to support our local community and the youth within it through a multitude of skill-building opportunities and programmes within our company. It is important to vocalise the value of technical and vocational training and we are excited to showcase all that we do to inspire and empower our future generations. As a nation, as we transition into a sustainable model of development, Artic works to instil a focus on building a cleaner future through STEM skills and demonstrate to the youth we work with that they can bring positive change through practical skills.

It has been proven that good-quality apprenticeships provide an excellent starting point for young graduates and first-time jobseekers entering the labour market.  Artic Building Services has been proudly operating an apprenticeship programme since 1998 which has fostered a vast portfolio of success stories. Our apprenticeship scheme has a longstanding reputation of providing local youth with valuable skills in engineering across a variety of technical specialties. The majority of those that complete an apprenticeship as a part of our programme make the decision to stay on with us and continue to build up their skills and experience alongside our expert engineers. As of now, this year we have sponsored a total of seven apprentices and look forward to supply further opportunities for those who are inspired to take up a career in engineering wherever we can.

Not only do we run a successful apprenticeship programme for the community, but we also start from the very beginning through STEM events at our local schools. We are proud to work alongside the Royal Air Force in inspiring children to build careers through technical training and supporting the development of training in engineering with a focus on sustainability alongside our national sustainability goals. Due to our longstanding success in empowering the local youth we are proud to be continuously invited back to schools we visit every year and will continue to illuminate the opportunities available for them to develop their skills for the future.

Artic doesn’t stop there either. Alongside our apprenticeship programme and STEM outreach strategy, we are also delighted to be able to provide work experience opportunities every year. This year we were able to provide work experience weeks for seven children who found their experience to be extremely informative. They were placed on some of our prestigious sites such as King’s College Hospital and King’s College London to work alongside our experienced engineers and learn what it means to work in a technical career and the benefits of doing so. We asked those who completed work experience with us to complete a short survey that asked them questions regarding their experience working with Artic. All of those that completed work experience ‘Strongly Agreed’ that they overall enjoyed their experience and felt that they learned a lot regarding the tasks they undertook. Here’s just some of what they were able to experience under the guidance of our engineers:

  • How to maintain an AHU unit.
  • How to clean chillers.
  • Learning new software that remotely controls equipment.
  • Why air conditioning is important for critical industries, like healthcare.
  • How to change air conditioning filters.
  • Gained an insight into some electrical skills.
  • Experienced plumbing skills like fixing leaking taps, unblocking sinks and taking water temperatures.

We aim for all experiences we provide to supply the youth that take part with a real insight into what it means to be an engineer and the types of expectations that come along with that. Part of World Youth Skills Day is to encourage informed development and it is our mission to prepare the youth we work with; lining them with all the information they need to make important decisions regarding their future careers.

Setting up Success with Artic:

We are in a privileged position to be able to offer the expansive range of opportunities that we can, and whilst not every business is able to do so, we want to encourage those that can, to begin helping to develop our future generations. We will continue to celebrate world youth skills day and persist with supporting youth development wherever we can. By Partnering with Artic Building Services, you are partnering with the next generation.

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